Our Work
What We Do
 The holistic help we offer alongside providing basic services such as food and hygiene provision includes healthcare services, hagiotherapy, psychosocial support, legal advice, help in acquiring social benefits, state pensions, employment, education, and training. The help we offer is based on the needs of the individual person, in accordance with his or her situation. We are focused on the prevention of homelessness, by implementing specialised programs such as the rehabilitation program for alcohol users and the program for increasing employability of homeless and other marginalised persons.

We currently manage the Day Centre Haven House in Rijeka, Croatia. Through its Outreach Services, Depaul Croatia reaches the homeless by outreach work: on the streets, in derelict and abandoned buildings, barracks, hospitals, and prisons.

vanjski rad
Outreach work Find out more
specijalizirani programi
Specialised programmes Find out more
By Donating
1 meal per day for 5 people
day centre services for 3 people per day
hygiene services for 3 people per month