The planned part of the H-Garden project, funded by the European Social Fund, is to build the capacity of experts working with the long-term unemployed by acquiring knowledge needed for better implementation of project activities after its completion. Related to this is the improvement of services related to access to the labor market and social inclusion of the unemployed, the homeless, people with disabilities and beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum benefit. In this regard, members of the Depaul Group, from the UK and the USA, focused on mentoring and social entrepreneurship during the first cycle of training, based on their own expertise and practice working with the homeless and other long-term unemployed especially those with complex needs. In the first cycle of education, from 2 to 3 November 2021 in Rijeka, four educators held presentations on given topics to experts – implementers of the H-Garden project, and other employees and volunteers of Depaul Croatia. During the trainings, Depaul Croatia presented to the audience the progress in the implementation of the H-Garden project, as well as further plans after its completion.