A representative of the US Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Blase Joseph Cupich, visited Croatia on January 31, 2022. During the visit, he said: “This is the most important thing for people who are struggling in life, the feeling that they are not forgotten and that someone cares about them. Also, apart from the material needs that are met here, as well as the re-socialization programs that are offered to them, this is the way God, through his Son, always calls us to effective love. It invites us to go to the margins of society. Do not wait for the needy to come to us, but for us to be the ones who come to them. This is the best testimony we can give in the Church, “said the cardinal. This is exactly what we are doing in the spirit of the mission of Vincent de Paul, who said: “Seek those who are poorest … they are your lords and masters.”