Trideset posto ukupnog broja korisnika Dnevnog centra “Kuća utočišta” su osobe starije životne dobi. Iz tog razloga u rujnu 2020. godine započeli smo s

Thirty percent of the total number of clients of the Day Centre Haven House are elderly people. For this reason, in September 2020, we started a project called Active Senior Academy, which is part of the Erasmus+ program and lasts 35 months. Depaul Croatia is a partner, and other project participants are: Caritas “St. Anastasia” Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia), Constellation Korostiv (Ukraine), Caritas Archidiecezji Przemyskiej (Poland), Fundacja im. Braci Sołuńskich – Cyryla and Metodego (Poland), which is the project coordinator, and the Public Health Partnership (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Project activities are aimed at increasing the competencies and education of the elderly, exchanging experiences, and include the mobility of staff, volunteers and clients. The first project mobility has been taking place from 15 to 21 February 2021 in Sarajevo. 

Five members of our team – employees and volunteers, who are involved in various ways in direct work with older users are attending the meeting. The meeting is entitled “Short training program for employees and volunteers – physical activity in working with the elderly” and is organized by the Center for Healthy Aging – Novo Sarajevo. The work of the Center was presented by Sejdefa Bašić, director of the Public Health Partnership. This was followed by creative and sports workshops, socializing with participants and sharing experiences, as well as an educational lecture on the usefulness of preventive and corrective gymnastics for the health of the elderly. The program will continue with the active interaction of participants in the form of a joint program of exercises and education on the importance of implementing physical activity in working with the elderly through a visit to the Center “Cengic Villa” Novo Sarajevo.
