“When did we see you as a stranger and receive you?”, are the words of Jesus’ parable. Are there strangers in Haven House? No strangers! But there are foreign citizens. It is good to ask yourself: a set of circumstances brought a foreign citizen to the streets of the city of our Homeland. What kind of help is possible to receive? A very difficult question, with an uncertain answer. Depaul Croatia, the House of Refuge accepts every person who finds himself in the circumstances of homelessness and at risk of homelessness. No “solution”, or document. It also accepts foreigners, every person – without distinction. So far, the services of our House have been received by people from the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Poland, France, India, Belgium, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Argentina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Brazil, Serbia, Tanzania, Colombia, Slovakia! Not only during the summer, but all year round. Our Novi list recently wrote about this. And we will conclude with the words of Jesus: “Truly, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me!”

